Before, After, and Somebody In Between Read online

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  Not in order, though.

  Leaving the bridge, I zigzag the streets till I find a phone booth that miraculously works. I think about Zelda and how she tries to be so nice, even when she’d like nothing better than to knock me to the moon. Man, you’d have to be crazy to have a job like hers. Whatever they pay her, it’s not enough.

  My cello case is silent as I plant it to one side. A small woof makes me swing my head around, and I spot that one-eared dog creeping up from behind. I call, “Hey, I thought you were dead!” He cocks his head, tail wagging fiercely. Cute as hell, but I bet he’s loaded with fleas.

  I pick up the receiver and dial my birth year. When Zelda answers, I don’t even have to explain. She just tells me to stay put so she can come pick me up.

  Jerome, I’m not ready for. I bet he wrote me off forever and thinks I did the same to him. Did I? I’m not sure, but there’s no way I can do this now. Maybe someday. Or maybe real soon.

  So I try Shavonne next, but her phone’s out of order, probably for good this time. Maybe she went to live with her Aunt Bernice, and I don’t know her aunt’s number or even her last name. But I bet I know somebody who can help me find out.

  I squash the button and release it once more. Guess old Ninth-Step Nikki did a number on me, for real. I pop in another coin and dial slowly, and listen to the ringing over the thunder of my heart.

  By the time Richard answers, my tongue is glued to my tonsils. “Hello? Hello?” Then, “Gina, is that you?”

  I suck in my breath, scared he’ll hang up before I can utter one word—and then finally, finally, I find my voice.

  “No,” I say into the mouthpiece. “It’s Martha.”


  So many people have been involved in the creation of this novel, and I’d like to thank each of them, for many different reasons.

  My fabulous agent, Tina Wexler, of ICM, for falling in love with Martha and making my lifelong dream come true. Jill Davis, my editor at Bloomsbury Children’s Books, for her endless dedication, advice, and support, and for miraculously keeping me sane throughout the editing process. My husband and life partner, Clarence Garsee, for helping me raise an unbelievably “normal” family, and for all his love and patience. My daughter, Elizabeth, my first reader and biggest fan, and my son, Nathan, who always cheers me on.

  Karen Margosian, my sister and best friend, who can always make me laugh even when we’re crying. My brother, Milan Nerad, the first person ever to hear my stories—and, more important, the first to beg for more. My extended family: Leah Koson, Matthew Margosian, Mary Nerad, Mary Nerad Junior, Kenneth Johnson, and Tom Nerad for reminding me what a “real” family is. Genevieve, Sophia, and Lydia Koson, for allowing me to steal their names. Ruth Ward, my “adopted” sister. Don’t forget: “We’re gonna make it …!” My dear friend Melody L., for her unconditional love, and for helping me better understand the twelve steps of AA. Janet Walsh, for her support, motherly advice, and the occasional well-aimed kick. Tangela Lindsey, for teaching me the true meaning of “soul sister.” My crit group members and online friends who have supported me over the past several years: Holly Farriman, C. J. Parker, June Phyllis Baker, Donna, Tinny, Sher, Kate Harrington, Kat, Jade, Laura, Yvonne Grapes, Sharolyn Wells, Kathie Carlson, Nadine Laman, Jenny Mounfield, and Pamela Reese, my first face-to-face writing buddy, who deserves a special thanks for her generous help with the social-service advice, and for all our parking lot conversations about psychotic mommas and “nekkid” elfs.

  Copyright © 2007 by Jeannine Garsee

  Published by Bloomsbury U.S.A. Children’s Books

  175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010

  Electronic edition published in October 2011

  Distributed to the trade by Holtzbrinck Publishers

  All rights reserved. You may not copy, distribute, transmit, reproduce or otherwise make available this publication (or any part of it) in any form, or by any means (including without limitation electronic, digital, optical, mechanical, photocopying, printing, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Garsee, Jeannine.

  Before, after, and somebody in between/by Jeannine Garsee.—1st U.S. ed.

  p. cm.

  Summary: After dealing with an alcoholic mother and her abusive boyfriend, a school

  bully, and life on the wrong side of the tracks in Cleveland, Ohio, high school sophomore

  Martha Kowalski expects to be happy when she moves in with a rich family across town,

  but finds that the “rich life” has problems of its own.

  e-ISBN-13: 978-1-59990864-9 (ePub)

  [1. Alcoholism—Fiction. 2. Drug abuse—Fiction. 3. Family problems—Fiction. 4. High

  schools—Fiction. 5. Schools—Fiction. 6. Cleveland (Ohio)—Fiction.] I. Title.

  PZ7.G1875Bef2007 [Fic]—dc22 2006027975